Educational Materials

Additional Resources

In the management of cancer, HIV should be treated as a chronic condition and attention should be paid to potential drug interactions among HIV medications and cancer therapy, as well as to the prevention of opportunistic infections (Robert Yarchoan, MD and Thomas S. Uldrick, MD)

The findings of the AMC Lymphoma Working Group have influenced ASCO and the National Comprehensive Network Guidelines.


This brochure provides general information about cancer, the AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC), and a list of selected AMC trials open to enrollment.

This brochure provides general information about the AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC), a list of the clinical trials open to enrollment and domestic sites with their contact information.

This brochure provides general information about the AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC), a list of the clinical trials open to enrollment and domestic sites with their contact information.

This brochure provides general information about the AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC), the value of participating on cancer clinical trials and international sites with their contact information.

This brochure provides specific information about African clinical trials open, in-development, and a list of participating AMC sites.

This brochure explains what Infrared Coagulation (IRC) is and  how it is used to treat anal dysplasia (pre-cancerous changes of the anus) and what to expect during and after the IRC procedure.

This brochure explains what High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) is and how it is used to treat anal dysplasia (pre-cancerous changes of the anus) and what to expect during and after the HRA procedure.

This educational resource will provide you with knowledge about HIV-related cancers and research studies, how to help patients decide whether to join or not join a research study, and how to address barriers so patients are able to join or stay in a research study.

This brochure provides  basic information about pre-cancerous changes of the anus (anal dysplasia), and Human Papallomavirus (HPV) –the virus which is associated with anal dysplasia and anal cancer. The technique used to assess for precancerous and cancerous changes of the anal canal  is called high resolution anoscopy. What to expect during and after this procedure are also reviewed.

This brochure provides  basic information about pre-cancerous changes of the anus (anal dysplasia), and Human Papallomavirus (HPV) –the virus which is associated with anal dysplasia and anal cancer. The technique used to assess for precancerous and cancerous changes of the anal canal  is called high resolution anoscopy. What to expect during and after this procedure are also reviewed.