Tentative Agenda

                 2024 AMC Investigators’ Fall Meeting


                              October 26 – 27, 2024                                                         Hyatt Regency Bethesda
             Day 1 (Saturday): 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM U.S. ET                                        7400 Wisconsin Avenue
             Day 2 (Sunday): 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM U.S. ET                                         Bethesda, MD 20814 USA

We ask that meeting participants make appropriate arrangements to
allow them to attend all sessions of this important meeting.
Additional logistical information is available by navigating to
the appropriate website tabs. Please feel free to contact the Meeting
Planner with any questions or concerns.

  • FINAL Detailed Agenda [LINK] (as of October 22, 2024)
  • All times are in U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Time Zone
    Converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
  • A variety of meal selections (including vegetarian options) will be
    catered to the meeting room. Please note any dietary restrictions
    on your registration form.