
                 2024 AMC Investigators’ Fall Meeting


                              October 26 – 27, 2024                                                         Hyatt Regency Bethesda
             Day 1 (Saturday): 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM U.S. ET                                        7400 Wisconsin Avenue
             Day 2 (Sunday): 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM U.S. ET                                         Bethesda, MD 20814 USA

Travel costs for the following attendees will be reimbursed by the AMC via the AMC Reimbursement Form below:

  • Domestic Site PIs
  • International Site PIs + 1 additional Investigator
  • AMC Career Enhancement Program (CEP) Director and Co-Director
  • AMC Scholars (1st- and 2nd-Year Scholars for AMC Grant Year 18)
  • Nominated Global CAB (Community Advisory Board) Members

    - David Palm (USA)
    - Regina Bueno (LATAM)
    - Makhosi Deliwe (SSA)

  • Working Group Chairs
  • Working Group Vice Chairs / International Vice Chairs Associate Chairs
  • Lab Directors Executive Officer

Additional Investigators wanting to attend the meeting require prior approval from the AMC Group Chair (Dr. Joseph Sparano; Email: to be reimbursed by the AMC.

Please note the important reimbursement instructions/guidelines on the form, and be sure to return your completed reimbursement form along with receipts/supporting documentation to our AMC Reimbursement Team by email at within 2 weeks of completing your travel.

Note: In doing business with The Emmes Company, LLC, there is information/documentation we need to collect to process invoices and/or provide purchase orders for goods and services. This information is needed to set you up in our accounting and purchasing systems for business. If this is your first time receiving reimbursement from the AMC ODMC or need to update your existing address/payment information on file, please also complete and return the applicable “New Vendor Set-up Documents” listed below.

DOMESTIC Meeting Participants (within the USA)                    
New Vendor Set-up Documents                                                           


New Vendor Set-up Documents to complete and return:

INTERNATIONAL Meeting Participants (outside of USA)
New Vendor Set-up Documents


New Vendor Set-up Documents to complete and return:

If you have any questions on AMC Reimbursement, please contact our AMC Reimbursement Team by email at



  • Sightseeing and personal excursions are considered a personal expense and will not be reimbursed.
  • Itemized receipts* and proof of payment are required for all expenses to be reimbursed. Credit card receipts (which are not itemized) and credit card statements will not be accepted in lieu of itemized receipts. No exceptions.
  • Please note that itemized receipts should include a breakdown of all the expenses incurred.
  • For travel within the United States: Government per diem rates can be found at the following website: The daily Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) per diem rate may not be exceeded. Please refer to the M&IE Breakdown ( for the maximum allowable meal limits (as applicable).
  • For International/Foreign travel: Government per diem rates can be found via the following website: The daily Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE) per diem rate may not be exceeded. Please refer to the M&IE Breakdown ( for the maximum allowable meal limits (as applicable).
  • The mileage reimbursement rate can be found on the following website: Currency exchange rates can be accessed via the OANDA website at: Laundry expenses for trips with a duration of less than 5 business days are not reimbursable.
  • Telephone and/or internet charges are not reimbursable. Rental cars in lieu of taxis are not reimbursable.
  • Bank charges and/or credit card fees are not reimbursable.


  • Under the Fly America Act (, only U.S. air carriers shall be used for all travel reimbursed from federal grants.
  • The most cost-effective coach/economy class tickets are required. If a traveler prefers to use a higher class, the traveler must pay the incremental cost of the airfare.
  • A receipt documenting payment for economy/coach class airfare is required for reimbursement.
  • Airfare changes and any associated fees are not reimbursable. If airfare changes are made, only the amount of the original airfare will be reimbursed.
  • Travel insurance is not reimbursable.


  • Lodging is not reimbursable if the lodging site is within a 50-mile radius of the traveler's residence or office.
  • Government per diem rates for lodging cannot be exceeded (refer to the "General Requirements" section above for the location of applicable government per diem rates).
  • Checkout receipts with proof of payment are required for lodging reimbursement. Late check-out charges/fees are not reimbursable.


  • Local attendees are not eligible for lodging and therefore cannot claim Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE).
  • M&IE will not be reimbursed unless the entire length of the trip is at least 24 hours or the travel includes an overnight stay veri ed by a lodging receipt.
  • Government per diem rates for M&IE cannot be exceeded (refer to the "General Requirements" section above for the location of applicable government per diem rates).
  • Meals purchased in lieu of meals provided at the meeting will not be reimbursed. For example, if breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner is provided at the meeting, the AMC will not reimburse for those meals.
  • Alcohol will not be reimbursed.