Hematologic Malignancy Working Group

Dr. Erin Reid, University of California, San Diego Hematologic Malignancy Working Group Vice ChairThe AMC has implemented and completed several seminal studies which have clearly changed the way in which patients with HIV associated lymphoma are treated, moving the field forward in a step-wise manner over the years.    Research has included studies of first line therapy in diffuse large B cell lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma.   Studies in the relapsed and refractory setting have included second line therapy as well as autologous and allogeneic transplant.  Partnerships have been formed with other groups nationally and internationally.   The findings of the HMWG have influenced ASCO and National Comprehensive Network Guidelines (Reference).

Goals of the Hematologic Malignancy WG are to:

  • Determine the optimal treatment of patients with HIV associated Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, within the context of concurrent highly active anti-retroviral therapy.
  • Determine biologic correlates of disease, survival and response to therapy in patients with HIV associated lymphomas, to ascertain future targets for development and testing of innovative new therapies for affected patients.
  • Determine any biologic or clinical differences between AIDS-related Burkitt’s lymphoma when diagnosed in the USA versus other regions of the world.